With its Organic Matter Content, SOHO

  • Ensures the formation of aggregate by gathering soil particles and ensures their resistance;
  • Increases the ion exchange capacity of the soil;
  • Provides buffering to the soil;
  • Increases the water and nutrient holding capacity of the soil;
  • Ensures better ventilation of the soil;
  • Decreases soil erosion;
  • Ensures the easy crumbling of the soil and thus, its easy processing;
  • Positively affects the pH of the soil;
  • Acts as a source of nutrients and increases the utility;
  • Is a source of nutrients and energy from the organisms in the soil and
  • Is effective for the adsorption or deactivation or both of the pesticides.

With its Humic-Fulvic Acid Content, SOHO

  • Physically improves the structure and texture of the soil;
  • By crumbling the clay soils, forms a soft and permeable soil;
  • And with respect to the sandy soils, with the adhesive effect of the colloidal qualification, by connecting sand particles, increase the water holding capacity;
  • By ensuring the humidity of the soil, increases the resistance of the plant against drought;
  • Prevents the stressing of the plant due to temperature and drought;
  • Supports the colloidal system of the soil;
  • By solving the soil hardness, ensures the easy rooting of the plant;
  • Maximizes the intake of the necessary nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, zinc and trace elements by the plant;
  • The ion exchange and natural chelate (formation of organic-metal complex) qualification damages the composition of the minerals found in soil as oxide, sulphate, carbonate and silicate compounds and releases. By converting the released metal ions into organic forms, ensures the easy, sufficient and regular assimilation by the roots;
  • Prevents salt deposit in the soil;
  • Stores the water-soluble inorganic fertilizers in the root zone and releases when required by the plant;
  • Positively contributes to the amount of sugar of the fruit and vegetable;
  • Ensures the thickening of the cell wall in the plants and thus, extends the stocking period and half-life;
  • Increases the resistance of the plant against cold, hot and physical effects;
  • Has a stimulating effect on the development and reproduction of the beneficial soil microorganisms and increases their amount and activities in the soil;
  • Accelerates seed germination and increases the survival ability of the plant;
  • By supporting the intake of nutrients necessary for amino acid and chlorophyll required for photosynthesis, ensures the growth and healthy looking plants and
  • Accelerates cell division and thus, also accelerates the growth and development of plants and stimulates plant enzymes and increases production and acts as an organic catalyzer in numerous biological processes.

 With its Organic Nitrogen Content, SOHO

  • The organic nitrogen slowly penetrates into the plant body;
  • Due to the late mineralization of the organic nitrogen, it is used by the plant for a longer time and
  • It is easy to intake by the plant even during the periods with low solid temperature.