Organic Solid Products

AKC Organic Plus Solid Farmyard Manure
Guaranteed Content | (W/W) |
Total Organic Matter | %35 |
Total Nitrogen | %1 |
Water-Soluble K20 | %1 |
EC (dS/m) | 11,4 |
Total (Humic+Fulvic) Acid | %15 |
Maximum Humidity | %20 |
pH | 7-9 |

ECOFARM Solid Farmyard Manure
Guaranteed Content | (W/W) |
Total Organic Matter | %35 |
Total Nitrogen | %1 |
Water-Soluble K20 | %1 |
EC (dS/m) | 11,5 |
Total (Humic+Fulvic) Acid | %15 |
Maximum Humidity | %20 |
pH | 7-9 |
Advantages of AKC Organic Plus Solid Farmyard Manure
- Improves the structure of the soil;
- Ensures easy ventilation of the soil;
- Loosens tight (compact) soils;
- Promotes root respiration and increases rooting;
- Increases the water holding capacity of the soil;
- Eases seed germination by preventing the formation of the duff layer;
- Positively affects the development and activities of the soil microorganisms;
- Nourishes the plants;
- Increases the cation exchange capacity of the soil;
- Regulates the nutrient intake of the plants;
- Prevents the loss of nutrients as a result of washing away and
- Increasesproductivity and quality.
- In soils with low amount of organic matter and cation capacity, insufficiencies are encountered in terms of the plant nutrition.
- In soils with high pH, the chance of getting the micro and macro organisms essential for the trees decreases.
- Salinity and salt contamination (sodium toxicity) can be encountered. Negativities can be encountered with respect to the intake of certain nutrients particularly magnesium.
- The chemical fertilizers negatively affects the qualifications of the soil and by damaging the balance between the nutrients as a result of misapplications carried out, prevent the intake of the nutrients.
In soils with low amount of organic matter and cation capacity, insufficiencies are encountered in terms of the plant nutrition. The chance of getting the micro and macro nutrients, important for the tree, decreases in soils with high pH. Salinity and salt contamination (sodium toxicity) can be experienced. Negativities with respect to the intake of certain nutrients particularly magnesium can be encountered. The chemical fertilizers negatively affect the qualifications of the soil and wrong implementations damage the balance of the plan nutrients and prevent intake.
The organic fertilizers as the plan nutritional source are fertilizers consisting of animal and human residues or wastes. The most important organic fertilizers as the plant nutritional source are farmyard manuresand animal wastes. Most of these are abundantly found in the nature. The organic fertilizers are important in terms of their organic matter contribution to the soil and improvement of the physical qualifications of the soil. By accelerating the microbiological activity in the soil, they increase the structure, ventilation and water absorbing capacity; supplement macro elements and increase the usefulness of the phosphorus in the soil. The plants that grow in soil take almost all of the nutrients required from the soil through the roots. Therefore, in terms of the plant production, the physical shape and chemical structure of the soil should be smooth and balanced. The organic fertilizer is the source of the organic matter ensuring this and containing the plant nutrients as organic compounds. The enrichment of the soil in terms of organic matter ensures the increase of the productivity of the soil.
The most important factor effecting the production in terms of plant production is the structure of the soil. The most important matter in the structure of the soil despite its scarcity in amount is the organic matter. The organic matter is the bio-mass provided through the plant and animal based fertilizers found in the soil. And the source of this is the animal and plant based fertilizers. The most important bio-mass is the organic fertilizers. When mentioning organic fertilizer, everybody thinks about the fertilizers called farmyard manures obtained from the feces of small and larger ruminants. Within their bodies, in addition to the organic matter, the organic manures contain significant amount of plant nutrients as well. In soils with low amount of organic matter and cation capacity, insufficiencies are encountered in terms of the plant nutrition. The chance of getting the micro and macro nutrients, important for the tree, decreases in the soils with high pH. Salinity and salt contamination (sodium toxicity) can be experienced. Negativities with respect to the intake of certain nutrients particularly magnesium can be encountered. The chemical fertilizers negatively affect the qualifications of the soil and wrong implementations damage the balance of the plan nutrients and prevent intake.
The inorganic fertilizers used unconsciously for years damages the structure of the soil and at the same time, by mixing in the seas, drinking and tab water through the surface flows and chemicals descending, negatively affect the humans, animals and plants. By increasing the activities of the useful microorganism in the soil, the organic fertilizer ensures more rapid access of plant to the nutrient and water through its roots. The organic fertilize is totally animal based. The feces of large ruminants are fermented with high technology and cleared of diseases and weed seeds. The organic fertilizer is an important nutritional source. It has a significant role in the improvement of the physical, chemical and biological structure and increase of productivity. Due to the bioactive humus in its structure, the organic fertilizer regulates the water and heat absorbing capacity of the soil. Due to the organic acids, the organic fertilizer plays an active role in transmit of the nutrients to the roots. The most appropriate time of use is the spring and fall months.
For good crop,
- For balanced growth and qualified crop each year, the organic matter should be totally animal based.
- The animal based organic fertilizers should be crushed by the microorganisms and well fermented.
The carbon (C) amount in new feces of livestock is very high. Consequently, coal gas and carbon monoxide as carbon compound is released and this is called biogas. The carbon in the manure (feces) is a source of energy for the useful bacteria within the body of the feces as well. Due to the consumption of these useful bacteria, they survive and complete the fermentation of the fertilizer by continuing their activities.
Is rotting fermentation?
Rotting is not fermentation.
Rotting is the escalation occurring in feces during and after the activity of the bacteria. After this escalation, the temperature of the feces increases and it increases so much that it can even flame. And meanwhile, the bacteria providing fermentation die. And moreover, the plant nutrients (organic matter) in the feces are damaged as well.
On the other hand, in fermentation, the living and survival of the fermentation bacteria are essential. Therefore, by taking the climate conditions into consideration, it is required to transfer, ventilate and cool the feces at least 4-5 times every day. Due to these transfers and ventilations,
- The flaming of the escalation is prevented with the ventilation of the feces.
- No bacteria can survive for a long time at a temperature higher than 80o Therefore, if the feces are left alone for a few days, after the escalation, almost all of the bacteria die and fermentation does not occur. With cooling, the survival of the fermentation bacteria is ensured. As bacteria survive, the fermentation of the feces continues and completes.
- A part of the fermentation bacteria are aerobic (bacteria growing in oxygenated environment) and can survive in oxygenate environment. With the transfer and ventilation of the feces, the feces are oxygenated with the oxygen in the air.
In the light of the above explanations, regarding the pile of fertilizerremaining after the keeping out, wearing and rotting, as said in the colloquial language, of the feces removed from the barns or collected from the meadows,
- Due to the washing of the plant nutrients with heavy snow and rain water as a result of being keptout, loss of organic matter is encountered.
- Due to the damage and loss of the organic plant nutrients after rotting with high temperature, as a result of the loss of nutrition qualification of the plant (due to the loss of organic matter), there is no qualification left apart from the qualification to improve only the physical structure of the soil used. Additionally, with rotting, weed seeds die as well. And since the seeds surviving on the exterior and edges of the feces that are not rotted will germinate after the use of fertilizer, it will be compulsory to use herbicide to fight against these seeds.
After collecting the feces freshly as the raw material of the fertilizer, organic fertilizer is obtained as result of the fermentation process which lasts at least 45-60 days by taking the climate conditions of the factory environment into consideration and controlled performance of the fermentation process.
During the controlled fermentation,
- The consumption of the chemical compounds, which are found in the fresh feces and rotten the plant when used in such amounts, is ensured by the fermentation bacteria. Thus, when used in the envisaged amounts, does not harm the plant.
- Especially the organic based plant nutrients existing in the feces do not get damaged and lost.
Due to the killing of the parasite, bacteria, fungus, virus and weed seeds existing within the body of the raw material of the fertilizer, the organic fertilizer controlled fermentation process of which has been completed, in the sterilization unit of the production process and destruction of the germination power, the disease factor for the users and soil and risk of weed contamination is eliminated.
In the light of this information, as to have more productive soils and more qualified crops and to safely hand over our soils, which are our most valuable heritages, to the next generations, prefer AKC Organic Products.
The organic manures easily mixing with the soil improve the physical and chemical structure of the soil. Thus, in addition to the goodstructure of the soil for production, the formation and permanence of the soil aggregates, increase of the water absorbing capacity of the soil, good temper and protection of the temper achieved are ensured.
It has been shown with the scientific researches carried out that the best source of organic matter is the manures obtained from the feces of the small and large ruminants which have not been randomly kept out; have not encountered any loss of nutrient and have been fermented well under control.
The ideal ratio of the organic matter is 6-7% of the soil. It is desired that this ratio does not decrease below 4%. However, though the organic matter ratio of the soils of Turkey varies from region to region, it has been shown with researches carried out that this ratio is between 1-4%.
The destruction, crushing and decrease of the organic matter in the soil arise mainly from the prevailing high environmental temperature. The organic matter is negatively affected and damaged by the over temperature and drought. Except for the Black Sea Region receiving heavy rain, our soils encounter intense loss of organic matter and consequently, require a lot of organic matter. It is another fact that the organic matter is washed away from the soil with excessive precipitation and uncontrolled wild irrigation as well. It is an inevitable requirement to constantly give organic matter to our soils for a regular and healthy plant production.
The plants intake most of their nutrient demands through their root systems. Therefore, for the growth, development and desired level of productivity of the plant, the roots and root systems should develop well.
The function of the roots in the plants is not only to anchor the plant. The roots, in addition to receiving the water and nutrients from the soil and carrying to the body and leaves, synthesizes the hormones and organic compounds of the plant.
There are numerous factors affecting the plant root development and among the most important and at the top are the
- Structure,
- Plant nutrients,
- Air and ventilation,
- Humidity (Temper),
- Temperature and
- Photosynthesis effect of the soil.
Generally, in the soils with smooth structure and good ventilation, the roots form, grow and develop better. The air of the soil effects the root development in three different aspects.
- Oxygen content of the air of the soil,
- Carbon dioxide content of the air of the soil and
- Amount of hydrogen sulfide, methane and hydrogen that can be found in the air of the soil and released as a result of anaerobic digestion.
Due to the high ratio of respiration, the oxygen demand of the plant roots is high. On the contrary, in case of high ratio of carbon dioxide in the air of the soil, the root systems die in all plants. It has been proven with the researches carried out that similarly, even the small amount of hydrogen sulfide released as a result of anaerobic digestion and generally, except for certain plants, the methane have toxic effects. Depending on the root systems forming and developing under these positive and negative effects stated, the plants crop good or unsatisfactorily.
The basic function of the plant roots, beyond the anchoring of the plant, is the transfer of the nutrients required by the plants from the soil or the environment to the body.
The plant nutrients are found in the soil as
Dissolved in the soil solution,
Absorbed in the change complex of the soil,
Chemically attached to the mineral matters in the soil and
Organic compounds in the organic matter.
The soil solution, in which the mineral matters and gases are dissolved, is called the ground water. The ground water increases with the irrigation waters and rain waters; decreases with evaporation depending on the temperature. In such a case, there is a close relation between the formation and conservation of the ground water due to the the water absorbing capacity of the soil ensured by the organic matter in the organic fertilizer and healthy nutrition of the plants.
Additionally, since certain plant nutrients are found as organic compounds attached to the organic matter in the organic fertilizer, the organic fertilizers have direct effect on the plant root development and nutrition of the plant and consequently on the amount and quality of the crop.
One of the open wounds of Turkey is the stubble burning. The burning of the residues following the harvest in the plant production of grains, such as wheat, barley and corn, harvested in the combine harvester machine system, due to the difficulty of soil cultivation causes great negativities. Especially, following the stubble burning, the burning of the areas and shelters next to the land on which the stubble is burned caused individual pain and the burning of the forests tears the hearts of everyone living in our country and loving this country out. Therefore, the stubble burning has been banned.
At first glance, the banning of stubble burning can be perceived as a measure taken to prevent the burning of the forests and areas next to the land. However, the main banning is the one imposed to prevent the burning of the living layer which makes the soil productive, ensures the plant growth and is sine qua non for the plant production with the living creatures called micro flora or fauna found in the soil beneath the fire caused by the stubble burning. The productive layer of the soil enabling production is the top layer with a thickness of 30-40 cm, which is also called the living layer of the soil, containing the micro flora and fauna of the soil. As approached to the top layer, the vitality and productivity increase and as deepened, the vitality and consequently, the productivity decrease. With the burning of the soil with the stubble, the most living part is burned as well. The weaker the stubble to be burned, the less destruction in the soil.The destruction caused as a result of the burning is compensated with the development of the micro flora in a deeper layer of the soil; but, this takes time.
The most important function of the soil microorganisms ensuring the formation of fauna and flora, which are the living layers of the soil, is to ensure the intake of the raw plant nutrients that cannot be directly intaken by the plant roots by crushing or make the intake possible for the roots. If these are destructed, the plants cannot develop healthily as of the rooting. And the stubble burning is the most important factor causing this destruction.
Another implementation destructing the flora and fauna of the soil in areas such as the greenhouses making production especially by creating the controlled environmental conditions is the solarization. In agricultural pest control against the bacteria and fungus and weed seeds causing epidemic plant diseases without the use of pesticides and chemicals that might leave residues on the fruits such as dense bactericidal, fungicidal and herbicidal, the solarization process is frequently applied as a significant method for elimination. The implementation of solarization might be considered as a good method for making production by spending less on agricultural pest control for a disease free and problem free plant production. However, microorganism is a microorganism. And all of them are destroyed in 10-15 minutes above 70-80°C. Regardless of whether using substances such as pesticides or carrying out thermal processing, all useful and harmful living creatures with almost totally similar structures such as bacteria and fungus are the target. Today, unfortunately, there is no pesticide or method eliminating the harmful bacteria and fungus without damaging the useful. Therefore, the implementations carried out eliminate the harmful bacteria and fungus, and additionally, eliminate and destroy the living creatures forming the soil flora and fauna required for production in the soil as well. Under the circumstances, even in case the soil conditioners and plant nutrients obtained by spending money and given to the soil are matters which can be used and become useful only after being crushed by the microorganisms in the soil, it will be impossible for the seed spread or seedling planted to benefit due to the destruction of the useful bacteria during solarization. Due to the destruction of the bacteria making the raw and unprocessed source of nutrient useful by crushing with the solarization, the relevant bacteria does not exist in the soil and especially in the top layer of the plantation soil anymore.
When we take a look at the general implementations carried out in our country, we see that
The greenhouse owners and fruit and vegetable growers, at the end of the previous production term, remove the plant roots; add the matters required to be given and added to the soil before the plantation in the greenhouse; cultivate and mix the soil in the greenhouse with the matters added; water plentifully; lay the irrigation pipes to constantly water and cover the soil with plastic film to increase the temperature. The temperature in the greenhouse increases so much that all living creatures that might be harmful for the plant to be planted after the implementation die. In the meantime, the useful microorganisms are eliminated as well. Especially during the recent years, the fertilizers collected in huge piles on one side of the land in the farms for intensive stock farming are transported to the greenhouses with trucks without any fermentation process and before the implementation of solarization, are carried into the greenhouse and mixed with the soil and afterwards, the solarization starts.
Since the raw fertilizer is not fermented before the solarization and the bacteria that will make ferment the fertilizer during the solarization and make it useful for the plant by crushing is destroyed as well, the plants in the greenhouse will not benefit from this matter called farmyard manure dark cow dunk. However, with the fermentation of the raw farmyard manure or feces called as “cow dunk” in many places, which have been left on the surface with the spreading of the useful bacteria,not destroyed as the hot temperature caused by the solarization remains deep in the soil, towards the surface in time and have not been fermented yet, it will become useful for the plant. However, since this process will require a few months, the plant will not benefit from this matter during the rooting and growth phases.
On the other hand, the hot temperature caused by the solarization, actually, crushes the feces and consequently, the fertilizer qualification is lost. Whereas, in case the farmyard manures are very well fermented before use, then they positively contribute to the germination of the seed, rooting of the seedling and development of the plant and during the future ripening period, due to the organic acids synthesized from the organic matter within its body, serve to the increase of productivity. The fermentation of the unfermented raw farmyard manure or also known as cow dunk, starts to be fermented by the bacteria in the soil immediately in case of the implementation of the solarization and within few months after mixed with the soil in case of the non-implementation of the solarization. In the meantime, since the protein demand of the bacteria is met with the use of the nitrogen in the soil, serious nitrogen deficiencies are encountered in the plantations. In other words, the feces or cow dunk used by the farmer for the plant nutrition causes nitrogen deficiency and consequences caused by this deficiency. Therefore, especially with respect to the solarization implemented areas, both due to the uselessness of the organic matter without crushing and disruption of the structure and nitrogen deficiency caused during the fermentation in the soil, the use of unfermented organic matter and cow dunk will not provide benefit and cause problems in the production as well.
It is applied by mixing with the soil before soil preparation and during the first hoeing irrigation. | ||
Tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants | 175-200 kg/da | 225-250 kg/da |
Cucumber, zucchini, melon, and watermelon | 150-175 kg/da | 175-200 kg/da |
Spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, and lettuce | 150 kg/da | 200 kg/da |
Onion and leek | 100-125 kg/da | 125-150 kg/da |
Carrot and radish | 150-175 kg/da | – |
Beans and other legumes | 75 kg/da | 100 kg/da |
Strawberry | 200 kg/da | 250 kg/da |
Applied in spring and autumn by mixing with the soil. | ||
Citrus fruits | 4-5 kg/tree | |
Banana | 8-9 kg/tree | |
Apple, pear, and quince | 3-4 kg/tree | |
Peach, apricot, cherry, plum, and plum | 3-4 kg/tree | |
Vineyard and kiwi | 150-200 kg/da | |
Olive | 2-3 kg/tree | |
Fig | 2-3 kg/tree | |
Hazelnut | 2-4 kg/tree | |
Tea | 150-175 kg/da | |
Applied during pre-planting soil preparation by mixing with the soil. | ||
Wheat, barley, oats, and rice | 25-75 kg/da | |
Sunflower, corn, sorghum, and millet | 50-75 kg/da | |
Chickpeas, lentils, and beans | 25-50 kg/da | |
Sugar beet and potatoes | 50-75 kg/da | |
Tobacco | 25-50 kg/da | |
Cotton, canola, and soybeans | 75-100 kg/da | |
Forage crops | 100-150 kg/da | |
Applied in spring and autumn. | ||
Turf Areas | 15-20 kg/100 m² | |
Ornamental Plants | 10-15 kg/100 m² | |
Landscape trees and shrubs | 3-4 kg/tree |